Mijas Pueblo Nail Salon & Training Academy, Malaga Nail Salon & Training Academy

Semi-Permanent Make Up


Do you want to have looks that last? At Pinkies we are lucky to have a Harley Street trained semi-permanent make up artist working with us. Clare is experienced, uses high quality products and is very patient…especially when it’s your first time! Clare’s services are listed below. Each service offers a consultation and then two tattooing appointments.



Clare will advise on the perfect shape (and shade) for your face. She will then draw the shape so you can see it and make any changes, this ensures that you will never be unhappy with the outcome. Please note, the eyebrows can be as natural as you wish.

Please get in touch with us at pinkies to book a free consultation with Clare.



Wake up with perfectly made-up eyes [any degree of subtlety or prominence is possible].

Lip line:

Help with perfect definition [you take care of the lipstick, knowing that the outline will be perfect].

Lip blush:

Definition and added colour.

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